Delivery of Justice – Mali from Dominique Chadwick on Vimeo.
We feel safe in a society where our personal rights and our property are respected and protected by a legal system. But what happens when the legal system is out of reach or becomes irrelevant to our plight? For millions of people worldwide, this is reality.
In poor rural communities, it is estimated that 80% of all land and family conflicts are dealt through the traditional justice system. This informal system is more accessible and relevant but often lacks neutrality and transparency leaving marginalised people unaware of their civil and legal rights.
There is an urgent need to improve and strengthen legal aid and justice delivery for people living in poverty around the world. The Delivery of Justice Initiative, started by Oxfam Novib is committed to realise sustainable justice through the sharing of legal knowledge, the training of local capacity and a good dialogue with the formal justice system and government.
Filmed and directed in Mali by Dominique Chadwick