Blog Archives
Preserving the Future – Fishing communities – Ghana
Illegal fishing is widespread on the western cost of Ghana contributing to the decline of fish stocks. For their own survival fishing communities have to change their fishing methods and collaborate with the government, the Marine police and Navy to … Continue reading
Africa’s Voices- Citizen participation, Radio and Mobile phones
Africa’s Voices is a twelve-month pilot project ran by the Centre of Governance and Human Rights at Cambridge University. Building upon the existing enthusiasm for interactive radio, Africa’s Voices gathers citizens’ opinion on governance and development issues, challenging the dominant … Continue reading
Breaking the Barrier – Deaf community – Ghana
About 1% of the population in Ghana has hearing loss. The main challenge for the deaf community is communicating with the larger society so that they can have proper access to health, education and employment in their country. The Ghana … Continue reading
Protecting Our Heritage – Radio Ada – Ghana
Radio Ada was the first non governmental community radio station to be established in Ghana. This film describes how, through its sensitisation work with the local community around the Songor Lagoon, it has generated greater accountability and transparency in the … Continue reading
Changing the Dowry System – Ghana
In the Traditional area of Bawku, in the north of Ghana, the dowry system demanded that any young man wanting to marry had to pay 4 cows to the family of the bride. With a higher population and less resources … Continue reading
Protecting Our Children – Trafficking – Ghana
Nyamebekyere is a farming community in the Western Region of Ghana. The traditional communication system of drumming on a small gong gong to call members of the community to meet in the village hall is now replaced by the Compas … Continue reading
Land for Women – Ghana
In the Dagbon culture of Northern Ghana, women do not inherit land. This has meant that women have been denied access and ownership of land. Through participatory training with the local women’s groups, forum discussions with members of the community … Continue reading
Better Governance in the Communities – Ghana
In Ghana, today, there is a growing concern that Assemblymen and women who are elected by members of their communities are not connecting enough with their constituents. In the Akosombo Eastern Region of the country, Assembly members are now being … Continue reading
For a Better Deal on Natural Resources – Ghana
The Youth of Mpatase in the Western Region of Ghana are determined to improve the facilities in their community where there is no hospital, police station, cemetery or recreational grounds. They are very frustrated by the fact that most of … Continue reading
Voices of the Children, Radio Tongu 92.1FM – Ghana
Beatrice and Thomas are children from the island of Awadice-Kome on the river Volta in Ghana. They are concerned that their community has been neglected for far too long, no electricity, no toilet facilities and no proper canoes for the … Continue reading